Advanced SEO Training

Let’s talk about advanced SEO training in a free 30-minute consultation! To book your consult, e-mail

Once you have learned the basics of SEO, it’s time to move on to more advanced strategies – to apply sitewide and to specific pages. In this advanced SEO training, you and your marketing team can decide which areas of SEO you’d like to focus on.

Advanced SEO Training Topics
These areas of advanced SEO training might include:

Customized Advanced SEO Training For Marketing Teams
We offer customized, advanced SEO training for all types of marketing teams and marketing professionals, including:

For more information about our customized advanced SEO training or to schedule a free 30-minute SEO consultation, e-mail, or call (303) 587-9647.

In addition to customized advanced SEO training, we also offer SEO 101 training, SEO writing training, advanced SEO writing training, top SEO strategies training, and custom-designed SEO training.

Our SEO training company is based in Denver, Colorado, and we work with marketing teams throughout the U.S. and Canada. Jennifer Croft has 16 years experience in SEO and has conducted more than 650 SEO trainings, for groups of all sizes.