Metatags Training

Let’s talk about metatags training in a free 30-minute consultation! Please e-mail

Metatags (title tags and metatag descriptions) play a huge role in a site’s SEO performance! The title tag on a page helps Google determine where to file the page in its “library”, and when to serve it up. And the metatag descriptions give potential visitors an idea of what the page will be about, which influences whether they will click through to the website or not.

Despite their out-sized influence, title tags and metatag descriptions are largely ignored, or poorly written, by most writers and website developers. If you would like to improve your SEO with a task that takes a relatively small amount of time and produces big results, you will love this SEO training on how to write title tags and descriptions.

In this customized SEO training, you’ll learn:

  • what title tags are and what purpose they serve for SEO
  • what metatag descriptions are and what purpose they serve for SEO
  • how to use keyword research to ensure that you’re using the right phrases
  • how to write effective title tags to help your pages climb to the top of Google
  • how to write effective metatag descriptions in order to improve your click-through rate
  • recommended lengths for title tags and metatag descriptions
  • how to “match” your title tags to the other SEO elements on your page
  • how to track before and after SEO performance once you’ve loaded your new title tags and descriptions onto your website

For more information about metatags training or to schedule a free 30-minute SEO consultation, e-mail, or please call (303) 587-9647.

Our SEO training company is based in Denver, Colorado, and we provide SEO training for marketing teams throughout the U.S. and Canada. Jennifer Croft has 16 years experience in SEO and has conducted more than 650 SEO trainings, for groups of all sizes.