Backlinks For SEO Training

Let’s talk about backlinks training in a free 30-minute consultation! Please e-mail

As one of its parameters for deciding which pages and sites to send to the top, Google looks at backlinks. Backlinks are links that are coming from another website to your site and they can provide a tremendous SEO boost – provided that they are good links, coming from quality websites. Not all backlinks are equal, and some can actually do you more harm than good. If you would like to increase the number of high-quality, relevant backlinks to your website, using best practices that meet Google’s guidelines, this is the SEO training for you!

In this customized backlinks for SEO training, you will learn:

  • how to see which backlinks are currently coming into your website (and which websites they’re coming from)
  • how to write “SEO magnet” copy that will naturally attract quality backlinks
  • how to find guest blogging or other writing opportunities that will provide powerful links back to your website
  • how to determine whether a link from another website (such as a chamber site or a directory site) will actually help boost your SEO and/or generate a decent amount of traffic
  • how to look at the backlinks that are coming into your competitors’ sites, so that you can approach those websites and ask them to link to your site
  • how to spot and address “spammy” backlinks that could get you in trouble with Google
  • how to compare two sites (or two specific pages) to each other to determine which one would be better to get a link from
  • how to measure the traffic that’s coming to your site from backlinks
  • how to create simple processes and reports that track your backlinks progress

For more information about SEO backlinks training or to schedule a free 30-minute SEO consultation, e-mail, or call (303) 587-9647.

Our SEO training company is based in Denver, Colorado and we provide SEO training for marketing teams throughout the U.S. and Canada. Jennifer Croft has 16 years experience in SEO, and has conducted more than 650 SEO trainings,  for groups of all sizes.