Customized SEO Training – Exactly What You Need

Let’s talk about what type of SEO training you need in a free 30-minute consultation! Please e-mail us at, or call (303) 587-9647.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective and cost-effective, forms of marketing that exists today. And, yet, it is vastly underutilized as a marketing strategy, in part, because it’s the least understood. People think that SEO is more complicated than it is and that SEO changes more than it does.

While SEO is not necessarily easy to learn on its own, it can be very easy to learn if you have a skilled SEO trainer showing you the ropes and using your own website and industry as part of the curriculum.

Who We Train
We’re pleased to offer customized SEO training for all types of marketing professionals and marketing teams, including:

What We Offer
Our most popular SEO trainings include:

All of our SEO trainings are customized, using specific examples from your website. But if you want your SEO training program to be even more personalized, we can custom-design an SEO training program for you that covers exactly what your marketing team needs.

How We Deliver SEO Training
We can deliver SEO training to you and your marketing team, in whatever method works best for you. Our SEO training options include:

About Jennifer Croft, SEO Trainer
Jennifer Croft, our primary SEO trainer, has more than 30 years experience in marketing and 16 years experience in SEO. She has conducted more than 650 SEO trainings and has worked on more than 600 websites (ranging in size from 5 pages to 5 million pages). She owns 20 websites and has written thousands of pages of website copy – that visitors and search engines love.

Jennifer has experience with dozens of SEO tools and platforms, including: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEM Rush, Authority Labs, BrightEdge, Wordtracker, Keywords Everywhere, Copyscape, Siteliner, Majestic SEO, Screaming Frog, WordPress, Shopify, Big Commerce, and SquareSpace.

Based in Denver, Colorado, Jennifer provides SEO trainings across the United States and Canada.

For more information about SEO training company, or to schedule a free 30-minute SEO consultation, please click here to e-mail us at e-mail, or call (303) 587-9647.